Archive for Islam.

Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam Special Saviours Day Statement on Russia and The Russian Ukraine War

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2023 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

It has Been a year since Russia and The Russian Government begin their special military operation to denazify the Ukraine and drive Western imperialism away from its western borders. and every since The United States and other western imperialist powers have been determined to destroy The Russian Nation and dismember it from the face of the earth. and this is something that Russian President Vladimir Putin and all other patriotic Russian nationalist forces and patriotic Leninist Stalinist Communists of Russia and Eurasia are equally determined to prevent from happening and they are resolved to keep Russian together as a nation country and civilization and to not let it be dismembered. and this incudes The Muslim President of the Russian Republic of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad once made a geopolitical analyst in which he foresaw or prophesized that a war would break out in central Europe between The US led NATO camp and Russia or what what then the Soviet Union . The Honorable Elijah Muhammad also said that Russia would be allied with the Muslim world and the camp of Islamic Socialism and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad based this political analyst on The political and military support and the other forms of aid which The Soviet Union was then giving to the Islamic Socialist states of Nasserist Egypt and Baathist Syria. and today Russia is again allied to the Islamic world with its present day alliances with The Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic Socialist Baathist Syria. and in Europe The war that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad foresaw coming in central Europe has now today broken out in the Ukraine. and it is going to effect all of the Asiatic non-White Pan Original world of color along with The whole of the Islamic world as well wherever we went it to or not. The Muslim followers and students of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad should support the Anti-western elements in Russia and bring them over to our way of thinking the righteous thinking of the Original and Non-White Asiatic peoples of the earth. Russians are an half original Asiatic people with much non-white Asian blood ancestry and cultural influences to their culture and identity and Russia was for hundreds of years an integral part of the Islamic world during the era of The Turkic-Mongolian Golden Horde Islamic State. and Russia today can only survive and prevail in its present war with the western world by uniting geopolitically and militarily with the Islamic world and the Non-White western world of color. Russia should be reabsorbed back into the Asiatic and Islamic non-white Pan Original World of color. where the Russian nation first started at centuries ago such an event is taking place today before our eyes and this is in the best interests of the Islamic world and all of the Non-White Pan Original world for Russia to become an Asian state and power.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam Saviours Day 2023 Statement on the 146th Anniversary of The Birth of Master Fard Muhammad Black Latino and Native Unity is a Must

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on March 1, 2023 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

This year is the 146th anniversary of the  birth of Master Fard Muhammad  which  is also  birth of  the Revolution of the Nation of Islam the return to the Lost Found Muslim peoples of the western world to Islam. Master Fard Muhammad from a very early age  had a very  a deep hatred for white world imperialism and global Zionism and he desired to overthrow  them both and wipe them off the face of  the earth. Master Fard Muhammad after leaving California chose to start this work in The city of Detroit Michigan which was a major center of the New Afrikan Working Class to begin the work of returning the Lost Found Muslim masses of The New Afrikan Black Nation  to Islam which was the original religion of their Afrikan ancestors before slavery. Master Fard Muhammad knew and understood that the New Afrikan Black working class was the vanguard political social and cultural force of the New Afrikan Black Nation and this is still true today  as it is only the New Afrikan Black working class which  is able to be the  leader of The New Afrikan Black Revolution and to secure  its national  independence and liberation  and then lead  The New Afrikan Black Nation  to victory forever afterwards. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught during his lifetime that Master Fard Muhammad was both the Mahdi and Messiah  of  which the world has been waiting for and expecting to come to redeem the world and to establish global freedom justice and equality  for the oppressed masses of the world. and today The New Afrikan working class must themselves  become the Mahdi and Messiah class and take on the historical mission of the Mahdi and Messiah and too make the  the life mission of Master Fard Muhammad its very own  and  become The Mahdi and Messiah  force  of the New Afrikan Black Nation and all of the Lost Found Muslim peoples of the western world and beyond. The New Afrikan Black Working class has the world historical mission  of liberating  and securing  the national independence of the New Afrikan Nation and then to fight for the liberation  of all of the  oppressed   Non-White Original Peoples of The western hemisphere and destroy the evil forces of White world imperialism and global Zionism.  this mission also belongs too the Puerto Rican and Mexican working classes as well. as both of these two Latino and Indigenous Nations share a common Islamic African and Arab ancestral heritage   with the New Afrikan Black Nation of the mainland of  North America which goes back to Islamic West Africa and Islamic Moorish Spain Al-Andalus   The Puerto  Rican working class mush fight for the independence and liberation of Puerto Rico  The Puerto Rican Revolution being an integral part of the global Pan African and Pan Islamic  world revolutions from the very earliest days of the Puerto Rican Nation. The Mexican working class must fight for the liberation of Mexico and occupied     northern Mexico Arizona California   New Mexico Texas  Colorado  among other areas of historical Aztlan  Mexico is one of the  leading  indigenous   and Latino Nations of the western hemisphere and  a Mexican revolution against Neo-colonialism  and US Imperialism is a key part and is central to the liberation of all of the Indigenous  peoples of Turtle Island and for Native Ingenious peoples throughout the Western hemisphere  The Indigenous  peoples of the Western Hemisphere are a leading and integral part of the Nation of Islam Revolution as Master Fard Muhammad came for the Indigenous Native peoples of the western hemisphere as well   and he lived and settled among them  on the west coast before he begin his work on the streets of Detroit Michigan   and together the Black New Afirkan Puerto Rican Native Indigenous  Mexican working classes  must carry out their national   revolutions  and  then establish a Pan Original Socialist Union of New Afrika Aztlan and Puerto and all of the other Latino  Islamic and Afrikan descended  nations of the western  hemisphere  as a service to the global Pan Original Socialist World Revolution  such are the tasks and goals of The Nation of Islam Revolution at this present time in history.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

Black Guns and Black Gun Clubs Matter The Revolutionary Legacy of The Honorable DR Khalid Abdul Muhammad

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on January 31, 2023 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

The 1964 speech the Ballet or the Bullet by Malcolm X the great revolutionary forefather and forerunner of Proletarian Islam is widely considered one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century and in 1996 30 years later Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad gave an updated political analyst of this great speech by Malcolm X which he titled the Bullet or The Bullet in this speech Dr Khalid laid out that the time for the Ballet is past over and done with and that The Black Masses much take up the Gun and The Bullet and practice Armed struggle and revolutionary self defense and secure the creation of an independent revolutionary Black state in North America. the era of the 1990s was the height of modern day Black political power in the United States and Dr Khalid being a student of history and knowing that history is best qualified to reward all research knew that this was a temporary situation which would not last and to show and point this fact out Dr Khalid used the historical example of Black Reconstruction in the post civil war US South in which the great gains in Black political and economic power of that time period were swept away by reactionary southern whites. Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad foresaw something similar to this happening again in our era as the Supreme Court of the United States had already then in the mid 1990s begin to strike down Black and Non-White majority voting districts in parts of the United States. in this Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad foresaw the modern day political climate in the United States which has in recent years the seen the rise of neo-white nationalism with the politics and election of Donald J Trump as president of the United States and a right wing US supreme court with White nationalist racist leanings along with the general rise of White racial Nationalism all over the western world and its outposts. Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad taught that this day was coming and the only way to get through this era is though Black revolutionary struggle with an eye to creating an independent and separate Black Nation in North America. Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad taught that the Black masses of North America must study and learn from the revolutionary struggles of the Non-White original peoples of color in Asia Africa and Latin America such as the struggles of Amilcar Cabral in Guinea-Bissau West Africa and the struggle of the Vietnamese people in southeast Asia under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh and of the Great Chairman Mao Zedong of China among other Revolutionary leaders. it was Chairman Mao Zedong of China who taught in his lifetime that political power grows out of the barrel of the Gun. which was something that Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad along with Malcolm X before him believed and understood well and both Malcolm X and Dr Khalid Taught this ideological principal of revolutionary political power growing out of the barrel of the Gun to the Black Nation and Black masses in North America. and he taught like Amilcar Cabral that the Black Masses must use their culture as a weapon to fight white imperialism and global Zionism. and That the Black masses and Black Nation must from Self Defense and military’s units to wage revolutionary struggle with in order to bring about a Black Nationalist political and social order in North America. Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad after His Bullet or The Bullet speech in 1996 would spend the rest of his life on earth creating and building revolutionary Black self defense and Black revolutionary military formations and units such as The New Black Panther Party of which he was to serve as the Chairman of from 1998-2001 before the era of The Black Lives Matters movement Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad taught a very different political message for The Black Nation and Black masses a message of not begging white people to respect Black Life but rather the principal of Black Armed Self Defense spiritually and politically armed with the Black Nationalist principals and ideological teachings of Black Guns and Black Gun Clubs Matter. which is a great and integral part of the ideological legacy of Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad and it is still alive today in the New Black Panther Party The Huey P Newton and Fred Hampton Gun Clubs the Khalid Abdul Muhammad Militia of King Samir Shabazz and the military units and formations of The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

Lost Found Proletarian Islam Statement on the 32th Anniversary of the 1991 Mother of All Battles in Iraq Saddam Hussein and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on January 21, 2023 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

it has been 32 years now since over 31 countries led by The United States and its president George H Bush attacked the Arab Islamic socialist state of Baathist Iraq which was at the time led by President Saddam Hussein after Iraq confronted the pro western Arab states in the gulf with its military campaign in August 1990 which liberated and bought Arab Islamic Socialism to Kuwait. after its military victory in the Iran-Iraq war which was also a victory for the revolutionary forces of Islamic Socialism everywhere around the globe. after the liberation of Kuwait President Saddam Hussein declared Iraq’s standoff with the western world and its Arab puppet states to be The Mother of All Battles. and during the course of this standoff President Saddam Hussein begin to see and to call the United States the devil of the 20th century which bought him into ideological alignment with The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who had long declared the western Whiteman to be the devil. as this was taught to him by his leader the Islamic Socialist Revolutionary Master Fard Muhammad back in the 1930s. this also fulfilled an prophecy or political analyst of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who once said and wrote that the day was coming when the Muslims of the east would understand that the western Whiteman is The devil. President Saddam Hussein to a very large degree come to understand this ideological viewpoint of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Nation of Islam in The West. during the Mother of All Battles. which Iraq fought in January and February of 1991 and The Mother of All Battles did not end in 1991 with the ceasefire of February 28th but rather it continues as an ongoing global political military and spiritual struggle against the forces of Anglo-American Imperialism and its ally global Zionism and it is is still going on today with the fight to end the occupation of Iraq by the Americans and Iranians and in the fight to liberate all of Arab Palestine from the Zionist occupation and the ideological and political fight to reunite all of the Arabs into one single Pan Arab Socialist state. and in the battle to create an Islamic socialist government in Iran and in the western hemisphere the Mother of all Battles is still ongoing in the struggle to liberate the New Afrikan Black Nation and the oppressed nations of Aztlan Puerto Rico and in the larger and greater struggle to create Pan Latino unity and liberation. and in the liberation and unity of all of the Indigenous Native peoples of Turtle Island which is modern day North and South America and its Islands and wherever else Non-white Original Peoples of color are oppressed by the forces of White Anglo American Imperialism and its wicked Zionist ally.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Islamic Socialism Maoism and The Rise of China

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2022 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

There is an old folk belief and tale that has been passed down for generations now within the Nation of Islam that when The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was arrested and taken into custody by the American political police the FBI that documents were seized from him that told and outlined the future history  of China  while this story may not be literally true if does go to show the importance of China  in the thinking and geopolitical worldview of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad  and that this importance was understood by the early followers and students of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. but what is certain and can be verified is that The Most  Honorable Elijah Muhammad watch  geopolitics events in Asia very closely  and that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad celebrated  and upheld the of the 1949 victory of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Mao Zedong in his writings  and he also predicted and foresaw  China’s  future rise as a global superpower. and all doing the 1950s down to the 1970s The Honorable Elijah Muhammad supported and admired The revolutionary  Chinese  government of Chairman Mao Zedong. and its support for revolutionary political movements and government in Africa Asia and Latin America. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad also  foresaw the day coming when all Asian nations and countries would have to as a group ally with and unite with Socialist China. and today it is very important for china to return to the revolutionary values and teachings of Chairman Mao Zedong and  return to the true socialism of Chairman Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai Liu Shaqi Kang Sheng and the other revolutionary Chinese Marxist Leninist Maoists from China’s  past history along with the teachings of President Sun Yat-Sen the revolutionary forerunner of the Chinese Revolution and First President of China  in order  for China to properly  move forward and  for it to pay a leadership role  in the coming   Pan Asiatic and Pan Original worldwide war of liberation against white world imperialism and global Zionism in addition the Chinese people and revolutionary popular classes should study the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the teachings and work of his teacher and revolutionary Islamic socialist mentor Master Fard Muhammad. both of who had a great love for China  and the Chinese people. along with the teachings of the revolutionary ideology of the Pan Islamic working class which is known as Proletarian Islam. as China is no stranger to the Islamic world as it has been connected to the world of Islam for nearly a thousand years though trade migration and intellectual   and cultural exchanges indeed it was though these such exchanges that the Hui Muslim ethnic group which is one of the official 56 ethnic   groups recognized by the current Chinese government emerged from and out of and all of the peoples and ethnics groups of China should learn and study Islam and Islamic culture regardless  to their religion or ethnicity and study Islam especially   the Islam as taught by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad along aside the ancient   indigenous  wisdom of china such as Confucianism   Taoism and the ancient Chinese folk religions.   China  and The Muslim world have  had friendly relations in the past and today and in  future as well   China and The World of Islam should be   united together  and allied with each other in the coming centuries ahead

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

The Nation of Islam Revolution in North America and The Struggle of The Revolutionary Communists For The Reestablishment of The Soviet Union of Lenin Stalin and Sultan Galiev in Eurasia

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 25, 2022 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam main primary political objective is to secure the national liberation of The Lost Found Muslim peoples of the West such as The New Afrikan Black Nation the oppressed Mexican nation and its occupied northwestern territory Aztlan and the long suffering occupied Puerto Rican Nation among other oppressed nations and peoples of the western hemisphere who descend from the Muslim populations of West Africa greater northwestern Africa and Al-Andalus or Moorish Spain. within North America we seek the National independence of The New Afrikan Black Nation within what is now the United States whos ancestors were Muslims from West Africa and we also seek the national independence of Aztlan or greater northwestern Mexico along with the national independence of Puerto Rico the Mexican and Puerto Rican masses are also descended from Al-Andalus Moorish Spain and the Muslims of West Africa. the first Puerto Rican revolt against Spanish rule was led by Wolof West African Muslims slaves in the year 1522 after the Nation liberation struggles of these Lost found Muslim peoples are won the goal of the Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam and The Nation of Islam Revolution in the West is to unite these oppressed nations into a joint Socialist Union of Original peoples to replace what is now called The United States. in Eurasia in the former areas of the Soviet Union. The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam knows and is well aware that there is an revolutionary communist political and social movement to reestablish The Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin. The Muslims of The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West are revolutionary communists and patriots of our Lost Found Muslim people living in The Western hemisphere. and we are students of Master Fard Muhammad The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. and of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Sultan Galiev and Joseph V Stalin as well and We in The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam believe that The Soviet Union should be reestablished on the principals and teachings of Lenin Stalin and of the Muslim National Communist Sultan Galiev and the traditional values and spirituality of the Slavic Turkic Mongolian Iranic peoples of Eurasia. the new reviled Soviet Union should have a respect for and a place for eastern Orthodox Christianity the traditional and historical Turkic- Persianate Pro -Sufi Islam of the Non-Wahhabi type Rodnovery The Slavic Native Faith Tengrism which is the traditional Turkic-Mongolian Native Faith Buddhism and the other traditional religions and spirituality of the Eurasian Soviet peoples. and the ethnic core of the new Soviet Union should be Russian Slavic Turkic Mongolian and Iranic in orientation as the East Slavs Turkic-Mongolian peoples and the Iranian peoples are the main ethnic groups of The Soviet Union and Eurasia. The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam encourages the revolutionary Communists and Soviet patriots of Eurasia in the regions of the former Soviet Union who are fighting to restore the Soviet Union to study and read the works and teachings of Master Fard Muhammad The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Minister Malcolm X and Sultan Galiev in order to create a new Soviet Union based on the principals of these three great men and Islamic socialist thinkers right along side the revolutionary teachings of Lenin and Stalin. and if this is done The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West is confidant that victory for the revolutionary communists and Soviet patriots of Eurasia and the former Soviets’ Union is assured and shall be won and a new resurrected and restored Soviet Union created an established. which shall exist alongside the New Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of The Original Peoples of North America to replace what is now the United States of America. and together with the new revived Soviet Union The Socialist Union of Original Peoples of The Western Hampshire Shall stand united together in a joint political and military alliance to liberate all of the oppressed peoples and nations of the world in a new Warsaw Pact of Socialist nations. and in the process secure a new world order of freedom Justice Equality and Socialism for the oppressed nations and peoples of the world.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam Supports The Accession of Donetsk Luhansk Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Into The Russian Federation

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on October 7, 2022 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West supports the recent referendum which took place in the regions of Eastern Ukraine in which the majority of the residents of Donetsk Luhansk Kherson and Zaporizhzhia voted under international observation to join their regions into the Russian Federation and to become an integral part of The Russian Nation. the people of these areas have spoken and exercised their right to self determination and their choice was to join Russia and The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West and The whole of The Proletarian Islamic ideological camp feels that the world should respect the choice of the peoples of these regions to join Russia. and reject the false claims of Western imperialism that the voting in these four region was not free and fair when in reality they were as the peoples of Donetsk Luhansk Kerson and Zaporizhzhia have long been pro Russian in their political and cultural sentiments and now these areas are integral part of Russia and this is how they will and should remain as this is the will of the peoples of these four regions which are now Russian.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at proletariannationofislam@thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

Malcolm X El Hajj Malik Shabazz Great Nation of Islam Hero Nationalist and Patriot of The Nation of Islam

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2022 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

This Year 2022 is The 96th anniversary of the birth of the great Nation of Islam Nationalist and Patriot of The Nation of Islam Malcolm x El Hajj Malik Shabazz and unlike most other branches and ideological tendencies of the Lost Found Nation of Islam in The West we in The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam honor celebrate and uphold the revolutionary legacy of Malcolm X El Hajj Malik Shabazz. as he was a great Nation of Islam hero and a patriot of The Nation of Islam who loved The Nation of Islam very much and considered it to be his Nation and a integral part of his identity. and up to the very moment of his assassination and death. he Malcolm X El Hajj Malik El Shabazz would have returned to the Nation of Islam and the leadership of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad if he and Mr. Muhammad could have worked out their tactical and strategical disagreements on the tactics and general nature of the Black Revolution in North Amerika. and if in addition to this The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad would have allowed space for The revolutionary Anti-imperialist political work in which Malcolm X was engaged in at the time of his death to be allowed to continued. Malcolm X during this course of his dispute with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said many things in anger which was untrue about The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and tried to make enemies for him. but despite all of this Malcolm X was a lover Black people worldwide and he Malcolm X was a freedom fighter and revolutionary for the liberation of Black people and all other Original Non-White People of Color around the globe of the planet earth. and for this Malcolm X should be forever honored upheld and appreciated by The Nation of Islam and we in The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam shall always honor and uphold Malcolm X for his contributions in building the original Nation of Islam in the 1950s and early 1960s and his efforts to bring down and destroy white world imperialism and global Zionism.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

The Nation of Islam Stands With Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro And The Socialist Bolivarian Revolution

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on May 4, 2019 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam in The West stands with our Brother and Comrade Nicolas Maduro The Revolutionary Socialist President of Venezuela and the current leader of The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela  and we stand in complete and total  solidary with Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution and we condemn and denounce the current counter revolutionary  us backed coup attempt  which is being led by the neo-colonist  Juan Guaido  and his band of pro Imperialist and Zionist lap dogs and lackeys of white power US Imperialism and other reactionary   forces  like  The  legitimate socialist  government of Venezuela   which is led by Nicolas Maduro  The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam believes in the principals of Socialism and the ideology and values of the great liberator of Latin America Simon Bolivar  and we look forward to the day when there is a  unified  and united Pan Latino Socialist Bolivarian State which stretches from Alaska to Uruguay  and all of the islands of the Caribbean  and when white world imperialism  Neo-colonialism  and global Zionism is forever banished   driven out and destroyed  in the western hemisphere    and all over the rest of the world as well.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at

Nation of Islam Statement on the Death of Los Angeles Rapper and Community Activist Nipsey Hussle

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on April 9, 2019 by thelostfoundproletariannationofislaminthewest

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam  and the whole of the Proletarian Islamic camp is very saddened to hear of the murder of our beloved Brother Nipsey Hussle  in  his  hometown of Los Angeles California.   Brother Nipsey Hussle was a community activist  as well as a rapper and he  had an upmost love and dedication   to his  home  community in South Los Angeles  and he worked for its upliftment and development to his dying day. and we in The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam thank Allah for his life and works and we pray that The Black Brown Red and other Non-White masses shall counite the noble work that Nipsey Hussle was engaged in and take it to a higher stage  of political social and ideological development and strive to create a new political and social order in Los Angeles and all  of California   by taking up the revolution  thought and teachings of The Islamic socialist Revolutionary Malcolm X And The Great Black Nationalist and Nation of Islam Revolutionary The Honorable Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad along with  the revolutionary thinkers and freedom  fighters  of  The Indiegnous Native America  And Latino and Hispanic oppressed nations and communities and peoples  of  North America  Such as Reies Tijerina Fidel Castro Che Guevara  Emilla  Zapata Pancho  Villa Lazaro Cardenas and Dr Pedro Albizu Campos  among others.  Brother Nipsey  Hussle has left a noble and progressive   political and social legacy which shall live on and endure May Allah Be Pleased   with  our brother and grant peace to all of his family friend fans  comrades and love ones during this very trying time. everyone of these cirncles has a respoabllity to keep the progressive legacy of Nipsey Hussle Alive and Well

The Lost Found Proltarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at