Lost Found Proletarian Islam Statement on the 32th Anniversary of the 1991 Mother of All Battles in Iraq Saddam Hussein and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

it has been 32 years now since over 31 countries led by The United States and its president George H Bush attacked the Arab Islamic socialist state of Baathist Iraq which was at the time led by President Saddam Hussein after Iraq confronted the pro western Arab states in the gulf with its military campaign in August 1990 which liberated and bought Arab Islamic Socialism to Kuwait. after its military victory in the Iran-Iraq war which was also a victory for the revolutionary forces of Islamic Socialism everywhere around the globe. after the liberation of Kuwait President Saddam Hussein declared Iraq’s standoff with the western world and its Arab puppet states to be The Mother of All Battles. and during the course of this standoff President Saddam Hussein begin to see and to call the United States the devil of the 20th century which bought him into ideological alignment with The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who had long declared the western Whiteman to be the devil. as this was taught to him by his leader the Islamic Socialist Revolutionary Master Fard Muhammad back in the 1930s. this also fulfilled an prophecy or political analyst of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who once said and wrote that the day was coming when the Muslims of the east would understand that the western Whiteman is The devil. President Saddam Hussein to a very large degree come to understand this ideological viewpoint of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Nation of Islam in The West. during the Mother of All Battles. which Iraq fought in January and February of 1991 and The Mother of All Battles did not end in 1991 with the ceasefire of February 28th but rather it continues as an ongoing global political military and spiritual struggle against the forces of Anglo-American Imperialism and its ally global Zionism and it is is still going on today with the fight to end the occupation of Iraq by the Americans and Iranians and in the fight to liberate all of Arab Palestine from the Zionist occupation and the ideological and political fight to reunite all of the Arabs into one single Pan Arab Socialist state. and in the battle to create an Islamic socialist government in Iran and in the western hemisphere the Mother of all Battles is still ongoing in the struggle to liberate the New Afrikan Black Nation and the oppressed nations of Aztlan Puerto Rico and in the larger and greater struggle to create Pan Latino unity and liberation. and in the liberation and unity of all of the Indigenous Native peoples of Turtle Island which is modern day North and South America and its Islands and wherever else Non-white Original Peoples of color are oppressed by the forces of White Anglo American Imperialism and its wicked Zionist ally.

The Lost Found Proletarian Nation of Islam can be contacted at proletarianislam@yahoo.com

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