The Underclass Within The United States Must Accept The Revolutionary Leadership of The Black Indigenous and Latino Islamic Nationalist Working Class

This is now the 5th year of the So-Called great recession within The United States which is really a Great Depression and the 5 year of Barrack Obama s presidency and The poor underclass of all races and ethntices within The United States are getting poorer and poorer with no relief in sight Barrack Obama being an integral party of The ruling class of the United States does not have the will or desire to help The poor and suffering underclass living within the United States. relief will only come to The poor underclass of all races and ethnicities when they unite together and accept The Revolutionary Leadership of The Black indigenous and Latino Islamic Nationalist Working Class. The Black indigenous and Latino Islamic Nationalist Working Class is The Black Brown and Red Working Classes of The New Afrikan Black Nation The Various indigenous Nations of Turtle Island and The Latino Working Class from Aztlan and The Other Latino Peoples and Nations that now Live within The United States. who have knowledge of Self of The Islamic Socialist Teachings of Master Fard Muhammad and The Revolutionary Thought of Maoism and Scientific Socialism. The Black indigenous and Latino Working Class was The Revolutionary Social force that was identified by Master Fard Muhammad Malcolm X Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad as The Social Force within US Society that would take down and destroy White Power Imperialism within The United States and Create a New Social Order on The Ruins of The Old White Imperialist and Zionist Social Order within The United States. The Black Indigenous and Latino Islamic Nationalist Working Class historical task is to create a New Pan original and Pan Asiatic Socialist Social Order for all of North America The Black indigenous and Latino Islamic Nationalist Working Class will secure The National Liberation and independence of Greater Aztlan The New Afrikan Black Nation Puerto Rico along with the Various Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island. After The National Liberation of The Oppressed Non-White Nations of North America is achieved The Black Brown and Red Pan Original Masses Must Then Unite with Each other and Create a Confederation of Original Peoples which will be a Soviet Socialist Union of The Original Peoples of North America which will serve as a mighty and powerful base area for The Worldwide Pan Original World Revolution against Global White supremacy.

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